我们来模拟一个情景:一位BTC交易员Emo,初始本金100美元,交易在盈利情况下获利20~40%,亏损的情况下亏损10~20%,我们模拟他胜率在40%到90%之间变化, 在5-10年的时间内总共交易了10次,我们使用R语言对这种情景随机模拟1万次,我们来看一下结果。
- 随着胜率的增加,我们最终出现的亏损的可能性逐渐降低;
- 在盈亏出现的可能性完全随机的情况下,如果胜率大于60%,我们最终大概率可以赚到钱;
- 两个人即便具有一样的平均胜率和盈亏比,他们的收益也会具有天壤之别,这个差别就是运气。
- 在胜率和盈亏比上多下功夫,剩下的交给时间;
- 避免频繁交易,换句话说,宁愿错过,不要过错;
- 要分仓,不要重仓一个标的,根据市场情况制定多个不同的计划(因为即便胜率一样,不同模拟情况下的结果也有天壤之别,这是运气,我们无法忽略它的存在)。
最后,我放上本次模拟所用到的R代码,如果你有兴趣可以资金尝试模拟,如果有别的看法和见解可以在下方评论,也可以来邮交流([email protected])。
# Load necessary libraries library(ggplot2) # Set initial conditions initial_capital <- 100 win_probabilities <- c(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9) num_rounds <- 10 num_trials <- 10000 # Function to simulate the betting game with fluctuating win/loss percentages simulate_game_fluctuating <- function(win_probability) { results <- numeric(num_trials) for (i in 1:num_trials) { capital <- initial_capital for (j in 1:num_rounds) { win_return <- runif(1, 0.2, 0.4) # Win profit between 20% and 40% loss_return <- -runif(1, 0.1, 0.20) # Loss percentage between 10% and 20% if (runif(1) < win_probability) { capital <- capital + capital * win_return } else { capital <- capital + capital * loss_return } } results[i] <- capital } return(results) } # Perform simulations simulation_results_fluctuating <- lapply(win_probabilities, simulate_game_fluctuating) # Prepare data for plotting plot_data_fluctuating <- data.frame( WinProbability = rep(win_probabilities, each = num_trials), FinalCapital = unlist(simulation_results_fluctuating) ) # Plotting ggplot(plot_data_fluctuating, aes(x = as.factor(WinProbability), y = FinalCapital)) + geom_jitter(aes(color = ifelse(FinalCapital > 100, "red", "black")), width = 0.1, size = 1, alpha = 0.1) + geom_violin(trim = FALSE, color = "blue",fill = NA) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 100), linetype = 2) + labs(title = "Density and Distribution of Final Capital", x = "Win Probability", y = "Final Capital") + theme_bw() + ylab("Final Capital (USD)")+ theme(legend.position = "none") ggsave("WinProbability.png") #Third Ploting simulate_game_detailed <- function(win_probability) { results <- list() for (i in 1:num_trials) { capital <- initial_capital capital_each_round <- numeric(num_rounds) for (j in 1:num_rounds) { win_return <- runif(1, 0.10, 0.20) # Win profit between 10% and 20% loss_return <- -runif(1, 0.05, 0.10) # Loss percentage between 5% and 10% if (runif(1) < win_probability) { capital <- capital + capital * win_return } else { capital <- capital + capital * loss_return } capital_each_round[j] <- capital } results[[i]] <- capital_each_round } return(results) } # 运行模拟 win_probability <- 0.8 # 例如,我们可以只看一个特定的胜率 simulation_results_detailed <- simulate_game_detailed(win_probability) # 获取最终资本值 final_capitals <- sapply(simulation_results_detailed, function(x) x[length(x)]) # 找到最低的50次 lowest_50_indices <- order(final_capitals)[1:50] # 提取这500次模拟 lowest_50_simulations <- simulation_results_detailed[lowest_50_indices] # 绘制折线图 plot_data <- data.frame(Round = rep(1:num_rounds, 50), Capital = unlist(lowest_50_simulations), Simulation = rep(1:50, each = num_rounds)) ggplot(plot_data, aes(x = Round, y = Capital, group = Simulation)) + geom_line(alpha = 0.3) + labs(title = "Capital Change in the Lowest 50 Simulations", x = "Round", y = "Final Capital (USD)") + theme_bw()